Código Portada


Portada ᐧ ƒPortada ᐧ {{Portada}}




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c𝟘𝟙𝟚𝟛𝟜𝟝𝟞𝟟𝟠𝟡𝕒𝕓𝕔𝕕



# Unicode Name and keywords Emoji Noto Color Emoji Pie Twitter Emoji Emoji One Emoji One BW Firefox OS Emoji Phantom Open Emoji OpenMoji Color OpenMoji Black
61 1f978 disguised face
(disguise, disguised face, face, glasses, incognito, nose)
62 1f60e smiling face with sunglasses
(bright, cool, face, smiling face with sunglasses, sun, sunglasses)
63 1f913 nerd face
(face, geek, nerd)
64 1f9d0 face with monocle
(face with monocle, stuffy, wealthy)
65 1f615 confused face
(confused, face, meh)
66 1f61f worried face
(face, worried)
67 1f641 slightly frowning face
(face, frown, slightly frowning face)
68 2639 frowning face
(face, frown, frowning face)
69 1f62e face with open mouth
(face, face with open mouth, mouth, open, sympathy)
70 1f62f hushed face
(face, hushed, stunned, surprised)
71 1f632 astonished face
(astonished, face, shocked, totally)
72 1f633 flushed face
(dazed, face, flushed)
73 1f97a pleading face
(begging, mercy, pleading face, puppy eyes)
74 1f626 frowning face with open mouth
(face, frown, frowning face with open mouth, mouth, open)
75 1f627 anguished face
(anguished, face)
76 1f628 fearful face
(face, fear, fearful, scared)
77 1f630 anxious face with sweat
(anxious face with sweat, blue, cold, face, rushed, sweat)
78 1f625 sad but relieved face
(disappointed, face, relieved, sad but relieved face, whew)
79 1f622 crying face
(cry, crying face, face, sad, tear)
80 1f62d loudly crying face
(cry, face, loudly crying face, sad, sob, tear)
81 1f631 face screaming in fear
(face, face screaming in fear, fear, munch, scared, scream)
82 1f616 confounded face
(confounded, face)
83 1f623 persevering face
(face, persevere, persevering face)
84 1f61e disappointed face
(disappointed, face)
85 1f613 downcast face with sweat
(cold, downcast face with sweat, face, sweat)
86 1f629 weary face
(face, tired, weary)
87 1f62b tired face
(face, tired)
88 1f971 yawning face
(bored, tired, yawn, yawning face)
89 1f624 face with steam from nose
(face, face with steam from nose, triumph, won)
90 1f621 pouting face
(angry, face, mad, pouting, rage, red)
91 1f620 angry face
(angry, face, mad)
92 1f92c face with symbols on mouth
(face with symbols on mouth, swearing, cursing)
93 1f608 smiling face with horns
(face, fairy tale, fantasy, horns, smile, smiling face with horns)
94 1f47f angry face with horns
(angry face with horns, demon, devil, face, fantasy, imp)
95 1f480 skull
(death, face, fairy tale, monster, skull)
96 2620 skull and crossbones
(crossbones, death, face, monster, skull, skull and crossbones)
97 1f4a9 pile of poo
(dung, face, monster, pile of poo, poo, poop)
98 1f921 clown face
(clown, face)
99 1f479 ogre
(creature, face, fairy tale, fantasy, monster, ogre, troll)
100 1f47a goblin
(creature, face, fairy tale, fantasy, goblin, monster)
101 1f47b ghost
(creature, face, fairy tale, fantasy, ghost, monster)
102 1f47d alien
(alien, creature, extraterrestrial, face, fantasy, ufo)
103 1f47e alien monster
(alien, creature, extraterrestrial, face, monster, ufo)
104 1f916 robot
(face, monster, robot)
105 1f63a grinning cat
(cat, face, grinning, mouth, open, smile)
106 1f638 grinning cat with smiling eyes
(cat, eye, face, grin, grinning cat with smiling eyes, smile)
107 1f639 cat with tears of joy
(cat, cat with tears of joy, face, joy, tear)
108 1f63b smiling cat with heart-eyes
(cat, eye, face, heart, love, smile, smiling cat with heart-eyes)
109 1f63c cat with wry smile
(cat, cat with wry smile, face, ironic, smile, wry)
110 1f63d kissing cat
(cat, eye, face, kiss, kissing cat)
111 1f640 weary cat
(cat, face, oh, surprised, weary)
112 1f63f crying cat
(cat, cry, crying cat, face, sad, tear)
113 1f63e pouting cat
(cat, face, pouting)
114 1f648 see-no-evil monkey
(evil, face, forbidden, monkey, see, see-no-evil monkey)
115 1f649 hear-no-evil monkey
(evil, face, forbidden, hear, hear-no-evil monkey, monkey)
116 1f64a speak-no-evil monkey
(evil, face, forbidden, monkey, speak, speak-no-evil monkey)
117 1f48b kiss mark
(kiss, kiss mark, lips)
118 1f48c love letter
(heart, letter, love, mail)
119 1f498 heart with arrow
(arrow, cupid, heart with arrow)
120 1f49d heart with ribbon
(heart with ribbon, ribbon, valentine)