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{{Ingléscolumnas|inglés=Notice that all of the verbs above are prefaced with the word ''to'', while in their infinitive forms. In its infinitive form, a verb is said to be unlimited (i.e., it--It does not specify any verb tense outside of the infinitive, and it ishas not changedbeen adapted to agree with any subject). In this book, we will often use the infinitive form of a verb as the basis for introducing all verb tenses. For example, we can changeadapt, or, to be more precise, conjugate, the verb ''to walk'' in order to make it agree with itsan arbitrary subject ''she''. By dropping the word "to" and adding an 's' to the stem ''walk'', we get ''she walks''. Of course, the infinitive form of a verb has many other uses, which will be treateddiscussed in depth later lessonson.
'''English verbs suffer changes (inflections) depending of the person, number, tense and mode.'''