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The English language has changed considerably during its history. According to the Venerable Bede, northern tribes - Angles, Saxons and Jutes - invaded the British islands in 450 AD. Each of these tribes settled in different areas and spoke different Germanic dialects. However, it is believed that during the ninth and tenth centuries, one of those languages was standardised. We now know it as '''Old English'''. This language was also influenced by Latin; which was used in Christian services, by Danish brought by Vikings to the north, and certain Celtic words taken from the natives who were living there before Anglo-Saxons arrived.
In 1060, the Normans invaded the island. They spoke a French dialect which became the language used by the new aristocracy. This change meant that Old English was no longer a prestigious language, and so it broke into multitude of dialects. The language that was spoken and written at this time is referred to as '''Middle English'''. Chaucer's masterpiece, ''The Canterbury Tales'' was written in vernacular Middle English during the forteenthfourteenth century.
Towards the end of fifteenth century, Gutenberg's printing press helped the English dialect, used by the London aristocracy, spread throughout the country and to become standard. In this '''Modern English''', there were more than ten thousand words taken from French, due to the earlier Norman influence. The order of the words in the sentence became more rigid, very similar to the way it is today.