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==Etiquetas y Elementos==
XHTML usesusa tags. TagsLos aretags son piezas de piecestexto ofencerradas textente enclosedlos insignos lessmenor-thanque (<) andy greatermayor-thanque (>) signs. AnUn exampleejemplo ofde aun tag inen XHTML ises theel tag <html> tag, inen whichel allcual XHTMLse documentsencierran aretodos enclosedlos documentos XHTML. InEn XHTML alltodos los tags shalldeben beescribirse lower-caseden minúsculas.
TagsLos aretags composedestán offormados thepor tagel namenombre anddel thetag attributesy los atributos. TheEl tagnombre namedel determinestag thedetermina typeel oftipo de tag, andy thelos tagatributos attributesdan givemás moreinformación informationacerca about thedel tag. ForPor exampleejemplo, inen theel tag &lt;a&gt; tag, usedusado mainlyprincipalmente topara makehacer links, theel atributo <code>href</code> attributees isusado usedpara todefinir saya wherequé those linksdestino shoulddeben goir. AUn hyperlinkhipervículo toa http://www.wikibooks.org would bedebería writtenescibirse ascomo <nowiki>&lt;a href="http://www.wikibooks.org/"&gt;</nowiki>.
Tags are useless unless they are part of an element, or a tag with information between an opening tag and a closing tag. A link to http://www.wikibooks.org with the text "WikiBooks" written inside of it would be written as <nowiki>&lt;a href="http://www.wikibooks.org/"&gt;WikiBooks&lt;/a&gt;</nowiki>. That comes out to [http://www.wikibooks.org/ WikiBooks]. The closing tag is the same as the opening tag except it starts with a slash (/) and doesn't repeat the attributes.