Diferencia entre revisiones de «GNU Health/Unidades Domicilarias»

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Piegope (discusión | contribs.)
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Piegope (discusión | contribs.)
Sin resumen de edición
Línea 8:
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Campos principales de la UD
Main DU fields
* '''CodeCódigo''' : AUn uniqueidentificador identifierúnico ofde thela dwellingvivienda. ThisEste fieldcampo ises requiredobligatorio
* '''DescriptionDescripción''' : ShortBreve descriptiondescripción ofde thela DUUD
* '''AddressDirección''' : StreetCalle, numbernúmero, districtdistrito, municipalitymunicipio, cityciudad, stateestado andy countrypaís
* '''LatitudeLatitud and LongitudeLongitud'''
[[File:GNU Health integration with OpenStreetMaps.png|thumb|GNU Health integration of the Domiciliary Unit with OpenStreetMaps.]]
* '''OSMURL MapMapa URLOSM''' : TheLa URL de OpenStreetMap URLse genera isautomáticamente createdcon automaticallyla fromdirección theo DUcoordenadas addressde orla coordinatesUD.
'''Nota:''' Si no se proporciona la latitud y longitud, la OSM se hará con los componentes de la dirección (calle, barrio, código postal ...), de lo contrario, se tomará la latitud y la longitud como parámetros, lo que le dará una mayor referencia precisa.
Note : If the latitude and longitude are not provided, then the OSM will be made of the address components (street, district, zip code ... ), otherwise it will take the latitude and longitude as parameters, which will give you a more accurate reference.
* '''Condiciones Generales''' : Un resumen de las condiciones de vida. Este campo debe ser llenado en todos tiempo, ya que es uno de los más descriptiva sobre el DU.
* '''Tipo de Vivienda''' : Casa individual, apartamento, casa unifamiliar, ...
* '''General Conditions''' : A summary of the living conditions. This field should be filled in all the times, since it's one of the most descriptive about the DU.
* '''Type of DwellingInfraestructura''' : SingleElectricidad, housegas, apartmentagua potable, townhouse,alcantarillas ...
* '''Operational Sector Operacional''' : The area that this DU belongs. Very important to know which Operational Area is responsible to take different health care actions (health promotion, healthcare area, ambulace action region .. )
* '''Infrastructure''' : Electricity, gas, potable water, sewers ...
* '''Operational Sector''' : The area that this DU belongs. Very important to know which Operational Area is responsible to take different health care actions (health promotion, healthcare area, ambulace action region .. )
* '''Members''' : It will automatically show all the members that live in the DU. They might be or might not be family members. Each person should be associated to a DU.