Diferencia entre revisiones de «Ingeniería Inversa/Desensambladores»

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Línea 115:
=== Lost Information ===
Mucha información se pierde al compilar el programa. TypicallyTípicamente, forpara C-code thelos namesnombre forde p.e.g. local variables arelocales irretrievablyson lostperdidas irremediablemente. TheLos namesnombres ofde functionsfunciones, variables maypueden beestar presentpresente inen anuna imageimagen, notablysobre iftodo compilationsi isse doneha withcompilado acon debugla optionopción de depuración, butpero estas thesetablas symbolde tablessimbolos maypueden beser removedeliminados bypor aun processproceso calledllamado stripping. An optimizing compiler may render C language constructs unrecognizable. Comments in the code are all discarded by the compiler. It will not be possible to determine the difference between code that was written in-place, code that was written as an inline function, and code that was written as a C-preprocessor macro. In many cases it will not be possible to determine lexicographical scope of functions or variables. If two files are compiled and linked together, file1.c and file2.c, the delineation between source files will disappear during the linking stage.
== Questions ==